IPA SDG dashboard – 1000 actions campaign

Turning the Page: 1000 Actions for a Sustainable Future

The 1000 Actions campaign is designed to inspire and mobilize our publishing sector and individuals to take concrete steps towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It supports the UN campaign of 1 Million Actions for Our Common Future.

By the end of 2025, we want 1000 new actions highlighted on the IPA SDG dashboard. Each action will represent a powerful initiative, project, campaign or report that will help demonstrate exactly how the publishing sector is creating a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous world for all of us.

The campaign is open to all publishers and publishing organizations. This is your chance to share your activities and join the publishing community worldwide to turn ideas into actions, stories into movements, and words into powerful tools for change.


How you can get involved?

  • Share your SDG related activity with us: we are looking for concrete actions that you have taken either within your organization, wider community and beyond  that can help inspire others to act
  • Post them on the IPA SDG Dashboard: help us countdown
  • Download the logo and link to you story: share your story with your network and tag others to join in and help contribute.
  • Use the hashtags: #SDGPublishersCompact and #ActNow

Make your project count. Submit your project to the dashboard

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