IPA SDG – Goal No 5 – Gender Equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Gender equality


Queerboeken.nl is a website with reading tips about LGBTIQ+ books. The reading list is supplemented four times a year with new titles and consists of the categories: translated, reading for the list, young adult, fiction, non-fiction, boy-boy, girl-girl and gender. Every book is available in (online) bookstores and (school) libraries.

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Gender equality


Tori is a reading organization in Amsterdam that is committed to making a more inclusive children’s book landscape. Books and picture books are used as windows (understanding about others) and mirrors (recognition) for children.
Tori’s aim is to have a more inclusive children’s book landscape, so that children discover at a young age that they are part of a colorful society and see diversity as a strength

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Gender equality

The Black Archives

The Black Archives is a historical archive and cultural center for black heritage in Amsterdam. The archive consists of artifacts and more than 10,000 books, mainly black writers and scientists. The books cover topics including racism, slavery and (de)colonization, gender and feminism, social sciences, Suriname, the former Netherlands Antilles, South America and Africa.

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Gender equality

#VoyaSer. Creating opportunities through education

#VoyaSer is a project boosted by Santillana and Fundación Entreculturas – Fe y Alegría. It supports girls at risk of exclusión, with the purpose of helping them complete secondary education and, therefore, giving them better future opportunities. To accomplish that, #VoyaSer offers comprehensive care, which includes training in digital skills and emotional intelligence and pedagogical support and mentoring, provided by the company’s employees. It is being
developed in Guatemala and Perú.

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Gender equality

Special Collections on United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: Research That Builds Our Future

As a signatory to the United Nations SDG Publishers Compact, Wiley is committed to championing the SDGs and sharing the published research that will help inform, develop, and inspire action in advancement of the goals. This set of collections highlights some of the research that plays such a crucial role in helping us understand, reflect, and question the roles we play, and the action needed to help move the world towards a more sustainable and resilient path.

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Gender equality

Quentin Bryce Award

In 2020, UQP launched the UQP Quentin Bryce Award, which is conferred on a new title that celebrates women’s lives and/or promotes gender equality. The inaugural winner was Mununjali writer Ellen van Neerven for their poetry collection Throat, followed by Sarah Walker’s timely and brave essay collection, The First Time I Thought I Was Dying, in 2021, and Mirandi Riwoe’s short story collection about marginalised women, The Burnished Sun, in 2022.

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Gender equality

The Sustainable Development Goals Programme SDG5 Hub: Gender Equality

Springer Nature publishes primary research, policy and opinion pieces on the myriad of manifestations of gender inequality, placing us uniquely in a position to disseminate information, facilitate communication and enable change. This hub brings together a curated collection of content on SDG5 and provides an invaluable resource for scholars, policy and decision makers.

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Gender equality


PublisHer started as an informal group in 2018, when industry leaders Bodour Al Qasimi of the IPA and Maria Pallante of the Association of American Publishers launched a network to promote women’s role in shaping leadership in the publishing business. The group seeks to focus on how exclusion and gender bias affect women in their careers and impacts on content and diversity in books, and how diversity and inclusivity can be prioritized in the publishing industry.

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Gender equality

Series of Children’s Books about Sweden’s Top Female Football Players

The Swedish publisher Olika, run by Marie Tomičić, has developed a series of books about Sweden’s top female footballer players. The goal of the publication of the series is to contribute to increased equality and representation in literature. Beyond this, Olika is a publishing house focusing on diversity for young readers, and through publishing content such as this series, Olika is clearly committed to highlighting the sustainable development goals.

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Gender equality

Women in Battle: Freedom, Equality, and Sisterhood (comic book)

In this book about women’s 150 years of freedom, equality and sisterhood, authors Marta Breen and Jenny Jordahl tell inspiring stories of the women’s movements and many hard-won battles. Written as a comic, the book is easy to read, accessible and fun, and appeals to boys and girls, men and women alike. In this way, one title can have a big impact on readers worldwide, and help to shine a light on both historical and contemporary equality issues.

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Gender equality

Asian Festival of Children’s Content

AFCC is the leading festival in Asia focusing on children’s books and stories and young adult (YA) fiction. AFCC promotes the creation and appreciation of quality children’s literature and YA with a focus on Asian themes. Speakers at AFCC 2021 touched on diverse representation in books, translation, inclusivity and mental health for children.

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Decent work and economic growth

Principles of Publishing

“Our Principles of Publishing” document prepared by TPA aims to support the publishing industry and its stakeholders to accept and apply the stated principles to achieve common nominators of more equal individuals and institutions in terms of race, color, ethnic origins, age, religion, beliefs, disability status, gender, sexual identity, and sexual orientation. It also sets the rules for professional conduct.

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