SDG tag: Sustainability

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Invertimos en un sistema de cosecha de lluvia, que permite mediante la captación, filtrado, almacenamiento y distribución, usar el agua de lluvia en nuestras áreas comunes. Además de la bomba eléctrica, instalamos una bici bomba, para distribuir el agua por pedaleo, con el fin de hacer actividades recreativas con el personal.
Con ello aprendimos sobre el costo de llevar agua a los hogares, disminuimos el uso del agua que provee la Ciudad de México y contribuimos al bienestar del personal.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 6 – Clean water and sanitationIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

After the major earthquakes that took place in the Southeastern Region of Turkey on February 6, 2023, Günışığı Kitaplığı took immediate action to support children and young survivors in the region. In addition to making financial donations, Günışığı Kitaplığı, donated 50,000 books to be distributed in collaboration with major NGO’s and public authorities to the students who try continuing their education in containers and/or tent cities in the region.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 3 – Good Health and well-beingIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

As a diamond open-access journal, “English Studies at NBU” is committed to making knowledge accessible to everyone while addressing global challenges. We take sustainability seriously. Our operations are entirely virtual, with remote offices and online meetings, and minimal needs to travel, which reduces our environmental impact. We reach a broad enough audience through our online publications and from 2025, we plan to switch to a “Print on Demand” model, phasing out traditional print runs.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and productionIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

As part of the Princeton University Press’ commitment to environmental sustainability, the Press launched its first issue of the PULP sustainability newsletter, aimed at educating and informing its staff of environmental issues within the publishing industry, as well as the sustainability initiatives being undertaken by PUP, under the guidance of its Sustainability Working Group. The newsletter is an educational tool to bring more awareness to sustainability to the Press’ employees.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and productionIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

Beginning in 2022, Princeton University Press (PUP) has committed to using only book papers rated three stars or higher by the Book Chain Project, as determined by a tool called Forest Risk Assessment, which assigns a grade to each paper brand and type. PUP has also increased its use of paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and continues to prioritize the use of FSC-certified paper whenever possible.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and productionIPA SDG – Goal No 15 – Life on land

UQP actively acquires and publishes titles that explore current social and environmental issues to help educate readers and spark important conversations, including Royce Kurmelovs’s SLICK, which provides an on-the-ground examination of how the fossil fuel industry captured Australia, and outlines what’s at stake for the survival of the planet, and King and Sparrow’s OUT OF THE BOX, which brings together expert advice, interviews and up-to-date resources to help ND children thrive.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalitiesIPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and production

In 2020, UQP launched its own sustainability team to develop sustainable business practices from an environmental and social perspective.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and productionIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

UQP made operational changes to reduce and offset its 2023 emissions and become Australia’s first ‘climate positive’ publisher. With independent verification under Climate Active standards, we measured and reduced our direct emissions and purchased more than the required offsets to be carbon positive. The 2023 offsetting schemes UQP used are accredited under the Gold Standard Schemes and Verra Schemes and are all linked to UN SDGs.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 7 – ffordable and Clean EnergyIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

KEÇİ is a digital platform prepared by Günışığı Kitaplığı, covering the contents of all the annual publishing conferences and teacher seminars which are being organized on a regular basis since 2010, with the purpose of making this valuable content available for open access in the form of a written digital archive. A wide variety of SDG related topics presented in annual seminars and conferences are also available on this platform.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 9 – Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

Being the first publishing house in Turkey signing the SDG Pusblishers Compact, Günışığı Kitaplığı has committed to adding new books to its catalogue that will increase knowledge and glorify hope in the fight against the climate crisis. With our expertise in the field of Children’s and YA Literature Books, we aim at drawing the attention of children and young adults to these issues through quality fiction books centered around various themes such as environment, climate change, and migration.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

Annual, free of charge, teacher training seminars organised by Günışığı Kitaplığı since 2010 hosted authors, academicians and experts from related fields as speakers. Discussing the use of literature books in classrooms through “creative reading practices”, every year four such practices are also being presented by teachers. A climate action related topic is also included in each seminar program to furnish the educators with necessary and correct discussion tools with their students.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

UQP is committed to responsible waste management. At our head office, we collect multiple waste streams to be recycled including soft plastics, e-waste, fluorescent tubes, coffee pods and organics. Via UQ’s internal recycling program, UQP’s soft plastics are downcycled into products like decking, wheelie bins, park benches, shipping pallets, bottles and even playgrounds.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and production

Orders from UQP’s online store are packaged using reused boxes, recyclable mailers made with 100% recycled newspaper, recycled packing paper and compostable packing peanuts. UQP have also done away with printed invoices in favour of digital receipts.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and production

These Top Action Tips are designed to empower academic journal editors to support and promote sustainable development. The tips provide actionable and easy-to-use ideas and best practices for integrating sustainability into journals and publishing processes, and outreach to practitioners and policy makers.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

The global book trade needs to be able to identify books that are about or advance all or specific SDG Goals and it is important that these can be discovered by potential readers.. EDItEUR has now added specific qualifier codes for each of the SDG Goals to the global book subject classification Thema and these can be used by publishers to increase the visibility of titles around the globe, in any language and for any audience.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

These Top Action Tips are a guide for academic authors on how to write plain language summaries or bullets tailored to policymakers, journalists and the public, to support and promote sustainable development.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

These Top Action Tips are designed to empower graduate researchers and students to support and promote sustainable development. The tips provide actionable and easy-to-use ideas and best practices for integrating sustainability into research and education processes and outreach to practitioners and policy makers.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality Education

These Top Action Tips are a guide for academic authors on how to find information and understand journal and publisher policies on waivers or discounts available on open access APCs.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities