IPA SDG Dashboard
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IPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

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‘Country Connectors’ deliver local interventions to heighten awareness and use of Research4Life resources in low and middle income countries. They strengthen capacity of information use and management, build communities of national and regional evidence users and local networks. A Country Connector is part focal point, part champion, part mentor, part listening post, part role-model and part cheerleader. Sponsored by Friends of Research4Life.

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IPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalitiesIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

‘Escuelas Sostenibles’ Award is an initiative of Santillana, OEI and Fundación Santillana that aims to identify, recognize and make visible the educational centers most committed to sustainability. It consists of a first national stage and a second international stage. The ultimate goal is to share good practices and inspire other schools, so that they can incorporate good practices in ESG matters. Currently, it is developed in Mexico, Colombia and Brazil.

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IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

The SDG Book club, an annotated reading list of children’s books, plays a vital role in inspiring children, aged 6-12, to embrace and take action on the principles behind the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In the Netherlands, a local chapter of the UN and IPA SDG Book club has just launched. The project of a collaboration between NDB-Biblion/Skillsdojo, GAU (Groep Algemene Uitgevers), and the IPA (International Publishers Association).

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

STM, the leading voice for academic publishers, has created a roadmap that contains suggested concrete steps for all publishers, both big and small. From those just at the start of their journey, to others who already advanced and looking to accelerate. Design to inspire and support, it will equip colleagues across our sector by matching the practical steps with a dedicated toolkit of resources and examples to get everyone to take action towards achieving the SDGs today.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

Our urgent sustainability challenges demand changes in research paper protocols. To encourage practical applications of your research, abstracts can highlight implications for practitioners and policymakers while referring to specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDG Publishers Compact Fellows have released some top action tips for authors and researchers to assist in responding to these emerging trends.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

As a signatory to the United Nations SDG Publishers Compact, Wiley is committed to championing the SDGs and sharing the published research that will help inform, develop, and inspire action in advancement of the goals. This set of collections highlights some of the research that plays such a crucial role in helping us understand, reflect, and question the roles we play, and the action needed to help move the world towards a more sustainable and resilient path.

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IPA SDG – Goal No 5 – Gender EqualityIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

Are you in aims to unite academia to make change happen. It was initiated by Emerald Publishing and sparked by a recognition that real change in academia can only happen when we join up and commit to working together. We’re asking people to join us in working towards a fairer, more equitable environment where research can have a real-world impact and those within it can reach their full potential. We outline six commitments where we can work together for change as part of this.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalitiesIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

An online library of over 12,000 articles and chapters plus materials to help lecturers teach sustainability and enhance students’ satisfaction with their institutions. The Platform has new content regularly added.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate actionIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

Research alone will not make the SDGs reality. Each member of the scholarly community must put research results in the hands of practitioners. Researchers should also formulate their research agenda based on the needs of practitioners. This list provides easy-to-use ideas to encourage these connections and the resulting positive impacts. Multiple publishers provided input and the list was written by the SDG Publishers Compact Fellows.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

This special issue emphasizes the crucial role of children, and their families play in helping to co-produce and mobilize knowledge to deal with the grim reality of childhood cancer. By illuminating the growing influence of patient representatives and patient groups on research methods, advocacy, and policy, the special issue aims to encourage the childhood cancer community to further explore, partner and foster that influence.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 3 – Good Health and well-beingIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

The Higher Education Sustainability Initiative SDG Publisher Compact Fellows is a joint initiative from multiple UN & higher education agencies across the academic publishing sector (eg., publishers, librarians, academics). We work to create important outcomes for the academic international community through integrating SDGs in educational materials, translating SDGs into practice (connecting researchers & practitioners), redefining impact of SDGs, and changing the culture in Higher Education.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

Public Health Challenges is an open access, multidisciplinary journal addressing all areas of public health research, policy, and practice. With a truly global scope, we provide a platform to facilitate knowledge of urgent public health matters and their understanding and solutions. We welcome high quality research representing the full spectrum of global public health and publish all works in the open access format freely available and accessible to the international public health community

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 3 – Good Health and well-beingIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

Virtual event on scholarly societies building an environmentally sustainable future. Hear Randy Fiser, CEO of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), Andrea Baier, Director of Publishing of the British Ecological Society (BES), and Prof David Griggs, President of the Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS) share their journeys toward a more environmentally sustainable future, and practical organizational improvements that you may be able to use in your own organization.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate actionIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

It is a key goal for institutions and for publishers to be able to quantify how much of their published research relates to one or more of the SDGs. R Discovery SDG Collection is the first free resource of its kind to curate content from hundreds of publishers, thousands of journals, over 96 million articles and organize it based on the relevant SDG goal.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

This jointly organised technical seminar on National Book and Reading Policies (NBRP) in Africa was intended to support quality education through sustained and improved literacy for the benefit of African people and national development. The seminar took place in December 2019 in Kigali, Rwanda. The six participating anglophone countries were Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda. Participants were guided through the process of developing national book and reading policies.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

The Springer Nature China New Development Awards were announced in 2019. This award recognises the contribution of Chinese research to international sustainable development, which is significant as China has one of the world’s fastest growing volume of scientific and scholarly research globally. 10 Chinese authors received the award in recognition for their research into areas such as climate change, economic development, eco-development and green intelligent transportation systems.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

In June 2014, the Accessible Books Consortium was launched in order to boost the number of books in accessible formats for people around the globe who are blind, visually impaired, or otherwise print disabled. The ABC also encourages publishers to commit to accessible publishing, adopt accessibility features within their publishing processes, and include descriptions of the accessibility features of their products in the information they provide to others in the book supply chain.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalitiesIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

“Read The World” was launched as a response to the isolation imposed on children and young people during the coronavirus pandemic. The initiative provided a platform for much-loved children’s authors to read extracts of their books and promote the benefits of reading to younger generations.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 3 – Good Health and well-being