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This online platform for educators offers discussion points for Günışığı Kitaplığı books and creative reading practices that can be easily implemented even with limited resources in disadvantaged regions. For each grade, relevant book files can be accessed by searching according to themes or activity types (drama, writing, trip, game, etc.). The discussion points and reading practices suggested in the book files equip educators with tools that enrich the learning environment in their classrooms.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

KEÇİ is a digital platform prepared by Günışığı Kitaplığı, covering the contents of all the annual publishing conferences and teacher seminars which are being organized on a regular basis since 2010, with the purpose of making this valuable content available for open access in the form of a written digital archive. A wide variety of SDG related topics presented in annual seminars and conferences are also available on this platform.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 9 – Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

These Top Action Tips are designed to empower academic authors to support and promote sustainable development. The tips provide actionable and easy-to-use ideas and best practices for integrating sustainability into research and publishing processes and outreach to practitioners and policy makers.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

These Top Action Tips are designed to empower academic publishers to support and promote sustainable development. The tips provide actionable and easy-to-use ideas and best practices for integrating sustainability into journals and publishing processes, and outreach to practitioners and policy makers.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

Top Action Tips are a comprehensive resource designed to empower the research, education and publishing community to support and promote sustainable development. The tips provide actionable and easy-to-use ideas and best practices for integrating sustainability into research and publishing processes, educational content, and outreach to practitioners and policy makers.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

These Top Action Tips are designed to empower stakeholders in the scholarly community to support and promote equity, diversity and inclusion in research and publishing.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

The SDG Rubric (SDGR) is a tool to evaluate textbooks and related educational materials for their coverage of the UN SDGS. It gives authors and educators the ability to identify specific areas that can be more inclusive of, and better aligned with, the SDGs.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

Wiley’s new SDGs website recognizes the importance and interdisciplinary nature of all 17 SDGs. It’s a dynamic hub where cutting-edge research meets real-world impact. Each of the 17 SDGs has its own page, with curated content from our journals, topical collections and special issues, books and major reference works. You can also learn about Wiley’s ESG actions and goals, and authors can find a home for their SDG research in an open special issue or a journal, or send us SDG book proposals.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

Shimmr AI revolutionized book discoverability with its “reverse discoverability” technology, democratizing advertising so that under-monetized books and marginalized voices, including women and LGBTQ+, reached their ideal readers. By addressing systemic inequities in advertising, Shimmr fostered inclusivity in publishing. Impact: 688 books amplified and monetized, including 300+ by marginalized authors, attracting ~200 readers and ~70 shoppers, monthly. Achieved with sustainable AI computing.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 5 – Gender EqualityIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

SKOOL21 is an education company that has formulated a STEM Book Series featuring STEM projects to promote sustainability literacies in schools around the world. SKOOL21 is a member of Catalyst 2030, and many schools in the Middle East, South East Asia and Latin America have adopted the books in their schools. These STEM project books supplement core science and mathematics learning and provide learners with emerging problems to solve using their knowledge and tools provided.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality Education


Modelled on the Climate Fresk – an educational card game with over a million followers – the Book Fresk is designed to raise awareness of sustainable development issues among book professionals.

Created in 2023 by Fontaine O Livres and CSR Specialist Charles Hédouin, the Book Fresk is played in a 3-hours game, including brainstorming, discussion and outlook.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 9 – Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

By integrating the SDGs directly into our Author and Organizational Pages, researchers and institutions can now showcase their contributions to critical global challenges. With SDG integration, users can easily identify the impact of their work aligned with specific goals, making it simpler than ever to connect research to real-world solutions. Scopus Author and Organizational Pages highlight relevant SDG affiliations, helping scholars and institutions demonstrate their SDG commitments

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

The Green Communication and Publishing Manifesto, launched by Green Transformation and Sustainability Network, urges publishers, other sectors and individuals to align their publishing and communication activities with the SDGs, particularly in climate action, biodiversity, and clean energy. It seeks to inspire the Vietnamese and global publishing sector to drive meaningful environmental action, promote truth, and collaborate for a sustainable future. The Manifesto will be updated as necessary.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 11 – Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

With the aim of fostering Responsible Governance and Inclusive Peace, Globethics develops one of its main Series/book collections with publications on the topic. One of its last instances has been the trilogy “Global Survey on Business Ethics”, edited by Dr. Bryan Robinson and Dr. Georges Enderle. Thit trilogy is the result of a sharp academic work on business good practice and responsible leadership from a multifaceted and international perspective.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 8 – Decent work and Economic GrowthIPA SDG – Goal No 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions

In 2021, Globethics, in collaboration with IRAFPA (Institut de Recherche et d’Action sur la Fraude et le Plagiat Académiques), started collaborating to develop a book Series focused on SDG 4, Quality Education. The focus of the initiative was to develop cutting-edge research and publications on the matter of Academic Fraud and Plagiarism, something undermining the ethics and quality of education at a large scale nowadays. As of 2024 we have published 3 volumes, with a fourth already planned.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality Education

As part of its editorial work, Enssib editions publish books for library professionals to develop their practices on societal aspects and equality between men and women. In this context, we have published the book “Acting for equality”.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 5 – Gender EqualityIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

As part of its editorial work, Enssib editions publish books for library professionals to help them develop their practices. In this context, we have published the book “Engaging libraries in the ecological transition”.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and productionIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

This guide provides an introduction to current best environmental sustainability practices and is intended as a prompt for industry discussion on environmental sustainability. Additionally, there are checklists for publishers to aim implementing recommendations from the Greener Publishing Guide.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and productionIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action