SDG tag: Diversity and Inclusion

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Organised by Günışığı Kitaplığı annualy since 2011 this competition is open to middle school students from all over Turkey. Every year a different theme is selected for the stories to be written, some of which are SDG related such as “Love of Nature”. Award winning and short listed stories are compiled as a book and distributed to all schools and libraries free of charge. Encouraging children to express themselves in writing, this competition develops their written communication skills.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

Seminars prepared and given by Mine Soysal, founding manager of Günışığı Kitaplığı, and the author of Eyvah Kitap! (Oh No Books!), a long-best seller which has reached hundreds of thousands of readers of all ages. The content can be customized according to target audience being mainly educators and/or parents. Besides theoretical background, seminar covers case discussions on interesting topics with the purpose of giving insight to adults for understanding the needs of child readers.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

In 2020, Princeton University Press (PUP) launched the Global Equity Grants initiative. The grants support self-identified underrepresented authors during the publication process. Nearly 100 grants have been offered since the launch of the program, subsidizing the costs of childcare, permissions and illustration preparation, media coaching, additional marketing, and research and engagement related travel.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 5 – Gender EqualityIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

In 2020, Princeton University Press announced the PUP Publishing Fellowship, an initiative aimed at addressing a lack of diverse representation across the publishing industry. The Fellowship is also part of the Press-wide “Equity, Inclusion & Belonging” strategic initiative launched in 2018. It is designed for individuals with no prior publishing experience, who are from communities historically underrepresented within US publishing.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 5 – Gender EqualityIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

“English Studies at NBU” ESNBU publishes research that delves into the challenges faced by individuals with dyslexia, autism, attention deficits and neurodevelopmental disorders. These articles highlight the importance of addressing neurodiversity in education and society. They also help fosters inclusive learning environments, and advocate for greater understanding and equity as they emphasize the need for mental and emotional support for neurodiverse individuals.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 3 – Good Health and well-beingIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

The articles published in “English Studies at NBU” often address themes such as colonial oppression, memory, trauma, and the immigrant experience, critiques of corruption and poor leadership in Africa, marginalized histories and fostering cross-cultural understanding highlighting the narratives of underrepresented groups – central to the SDGs. These works contribute to understanding and solving global challenges.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalitiesIPA SDG – Goal No 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions

At “English Studies at NBU” we are dedicated to supporting authors from all backgrounds. About 19.1% of our authors come from the Global South, ensuring that voices from underrepresented regions are heard. Additionally, 20% of our authors are doctoral students or early-career researchers. We mentor these scholars to help them refine their work and contribute valuable perspectives to the academic community, therefore supporting inclusivity.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

At “English Studies at NBU” our focus on gender equality extends to the authors we publish. Over half (56.7%) of our published authors are women, demonstrating our dedication to breaking down barriers in academia. By creating opportunities for underrepresented groups, we aim to promote fairness and balance in the academic world.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 5 – Gender EqualityIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

Diversity and representation are key priorities at “English Studies at NBU”. Since the journal began, we have worked to achieve gender balance on our Editorial Board. Currently, nearly 50% of our editors are women. This balance ensures that different perspectives shape our editorial decisions, creating a more inclusive academic environment. It also encourages more women to participate in academic publishing.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 5 – Gender EqualityIPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

UQP actively acquires and publishes titles that explore current social and environmental issues to help educate readers and spark important conversations, including Royce Kurmelovs’s SLICK, which provides an on-the-ground examination of how the fossil fuel industry captured Australia, and outlines what’s at stake for the survival of the planet, and King and Sparrow’s OUT OF THE BOX, which brings together expert advice, interviews and up-to-date resources to help ND children thrive.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalitiesIPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and production

The sectoral conference, organized by Günışığı Kitaplığı as a social responsibility project since 2011 is supported also by the Turkish Publishers Association. Bringing together all the stakeholders of the publishing industry with new agendas every year, this conference plays an important role in the development of our publishing sector to international standards. The program of the 2022 conference was designed to focus on “Climate Crisis and Publishing Sector” and supported by UNDP Türkiye as well.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 9 – Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

Being the first publishing house in Turkey signing the SDG Pusblishers Compact, Günışığı Kitaplığı has committed to adding new books to its catalogue that will increase knowledge and glorify hope in the fight against the climate crisis. With our expertise in the field of Children’s and YA Literature Books, we aim at drawing the attention of children and young adults to these issues through quality fiction books centered around various themes such as environment, climate change, and migration.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

A curated collection of impactful research published in our journals that supports the SDG 5 Gender Equality goal to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”. Sage’s strength in social and behavioral sciences means our content plays a unique and vital role in supporting progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and this collection highlights research aligned to key targets of SDG 5 to support global gender equality.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 5 – Gender Equality

This collection highlights research aligned to key targets of SDG 16 to support peace, justice and strong institutions. In the words of the UN, ‘Goal 16 is about promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. People everywhere should be free of fear from all forms of violence and feel safe as they go about their lives whatever their ethnicity, faith or sexual orientation.’

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions

A curated collection of impactful research published in our journals that supports the SDG 4 Quality Education goal to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Sage’s strength in social and behavioral sciences means our content plays a unique and vital role in supporting progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and this collection highlights research aligned to key targets of SDG 4 to support global education reform.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality Education

Launching in 2023, UQP’s First Nations Classics series is the first of its kind in Australia and heroes the country’s richest Indigenous stories and voices. UQP recognises the importance of sustaining and uplifting these classic texts, some of which have not been in circulation for many years. The editions feature new introductions by some of today’s most prominent First Nations writers. The series currently comprises of 16 titles with more new editions in the works for 2025.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

The global book trade needs to be able to identify books that are about or advance all or specific SDG Goals and it is important that these can be discovered by potential readers.. EDItEUR has now added specific qualifier codes for each of the SDG Goals to the global book subject classification Thema and these can be used by publishers to increase the visibility of titles around the globe, in any language and for any audience.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

These Top Action Tips are a guide for academic authors on how to write plain language summaries or bullets tailored to policymakers, journalists and the public, to support and promote sustainable development.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 17 – Partnerships for the Goals