IPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and production

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The Elgar Companions to the Sustainable Development Goals book series is an extensive collection of specially commissioned original reference books across the social sciences, law, business and management edited by leading scholars working on the SDGs in these areas. Each book acts as a call to action, feature cutting-edge research and written with a global readership in mind.

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IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and production

As part of its editorial work, Enssib editions publish books for library professionals to help them develop their practices. In this context, we have published the book “Engaging libraries in the ecological transition”.

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This guide provides an introduction to current best environmental sustainability practices and is intended as a prompt for industry discussion on environmental sustainability. Additionally, there are checklists for publishers to aim implementing recommendations from the Greener Publishing Guide.

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The inaugural APA Sustainability Survey results have been released that show that many Australian publishers are taking steps to improve the environmental sustainability of their organisations. Over half of the publishers who responded have appointed a person or team to lead their company’s sustainability agenda, and over a quarter are setting targets to reduce energy, waste and plastic consumption, as well as to increase recycling.

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The Dutch PA’s GAU and MEVW jointly launched the sustainable publishing pledge ‘Handvest Duurzaam Publiceren’. By signing the pledge, publishers commit to several sustainability goals. The goal of GAU and MEVW is to contribute to the minimum of global warming to 1.5 °C, as agreed in the Paris Climate Agreement. We therefore want to reach a net zero CO2 emission level as soon as possible (and no later than 2050). GAU and MEVW see it as their responsibility to jointly bring about positive change.

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Editis is a publishing company, based in France. Our group signed the SDG Global Compact in 2012.
The greenhouse gas emissions report is based on 2022 activities in order to build a consistent reduction plan

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The “Sustainable Development Goals Book Club for Children of Ukraine” project is a public initiative of Olena Ivanchenko as part of the UN SDG Book Club project in cooperation with Ranok publishing house and CF Ranok-Ukraine which aims to regularly acquaint children with books in their native language on the topics of the 17 Global Goals.
It aims to help libraries and communities create their own SDG Book Clubs with support from SDG-implementing organizations in Ukraine.

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IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and production

In response to the growing number of sustainability initiatives in the publishing world, GAU and MEVW have created the online knowledge platform as a central hub for publishers to access valuable information. The platform offers resources on sustainable products, such as different types of paper and cover materials, as well as information on emerging laws and regulations related to sustainability. The goal of the platform is to support publishers in their transition towards a sustainable future.

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Launched at London Book Fair in 2023, the RISE bookselling have produced a publishing sector study that features seven case studies of how book returns work in European and international countries. The study seeks to understand the returns systems and how this impacts the environment.

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The purpose of this project was to assess the recycling and waste programs that are used in the UK book industry and report on the materials being disposed of vs recycled, the carbon footprint impact of books etc. The project report will help identify the points in the UK book industry supply chain lifecycle
where recycling/waste occurs and list the materials involved at these stages.

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In pursuit of a more sustainable future, industries are increasingly seeking ways to incorporate environmental and social responsibility into their operations. The book industry is no exception, and the BIC Environmental Accreditation Badges and Standards Map aims to make progress in this area. Developed as part of the BIC Green Supply Chain Committee, this project offers a comprehensive overview of sustainability accreditation badges and standards relevant to the book industry supply chain.

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An awareness raising campaign that helps authors discuss the sustainability of their books with publishers, with the help of ten questions about their book’s production and supply chain. A key aim is to drive traffic towards Publishing Declares, which is prominently signposted.

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The Publishers Association (UK) has launched its bespoke Carbon Calculator, part of a suite of tools, designed to support its members in acting on the Publishing Declares pledge. The tool will allow members to monitor their carbon outputs across various aspects of their business, including different sites. Members will be able to use the Carbon Calculator to review how they are performing from a sustainability perspective. Over time, with further data, publishers will be able to be benchmark

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The carbon-label project, the first output from the Publishing 2030 Accelerator, fast-tracked established carbon calculators and combined this with a customized web page for a particular book, that gives users a glimpse into how carbon labels and reporting might look like for book production. Now, this is only a prototype. Far more work is needed to make this a reality, and the Accelerator group are now working on new pilots for 2023.

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This virtual issue focuses on food ingredients (peptide, protein, carbohydrate, fat, oil, phenolic, flavor, pigment, etc.) obtained from sustainable sources including food waste, single cell source, plant-based materials, and other related sources.

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Zero hungerIPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and production

The Manifesto was officially published in full in the EASE journal, European Science Editing, in October 2021. It includes a quick check table for editors, publishers, or any interested individuals, to assess their activities and identify possible changes to their daily practices which would lead to more sustainable habits. The Manifesto is a work in progress, with new initiatives being added in regular reviews, including examples of good practice from EASE members.

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Global Challenges is an open access peer-reviewed research journal committed to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals via the publication of high-quality studies relating to the most pressing societal challenges, including climate change, water and food safety, energy generation and distribution, global health, and sustainability. The journal aims at linking scientific research to social issues and economic policy.

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IPA SDG – Goal No 7 – ffordable and Clean EnergyIPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and production

To celebrate the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, Angewandte Chemie along with our sister journals from Chemistry Europe and the Asian Chemical Editorial Society, have come together to create a Special Collection of articles highlighting some of the recent work from our authors toward creating a more sustainable future.

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IPA SDG – Goal No 7 – ffordable and Clean EnergyIPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and production