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LitCam (Literary Campaign) is a German organization working for educational equality and integration. The aim is to raise awareness of the importance of education in all groups of society and to impart life skills through various engaging projects. LitCam wants to improve educational
opportunities for everyone, regardless of their material or social requirements.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality Education

The Indonesian Publishers Association hosted a Symposium on Education to help identify improvements to the overall system. The aim of this symposium was to learn about useful trends that have led to improvements in education across the world, and to improve national educational strategies and learning outcomes.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality Education

“Read The World” was launched as a response to the isolation imposed on children and young people during the coronavirus pandemic. The initiative provided a platform for much-loved children’s authors to read extracts of their books and promote the benefits of reading to younger generations.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 3 – Good Health and well-being

The Lancet has embraced the SDG goals in a series of Lancet Commissions specifically addressing the SDG goal of good health and wellbeing. The commissions outline the current progress, challenges and solutions that are needed from the research community and society in order to achieve the 2030 SDG 3 targets. Commissions include a review of the “Elimination of viral hepatitis by 2030” and “A UNAIDS–Lancet Commission on Defeating AIDS—Advancing Global Health”.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 3 – Good Health and well-being

The goal of Research4Life is to reduce the knowledge gap between high-income countries and low- and middle-income countries. Since 2002, the five programmes have provided researchers in low- and middle-income countries with free or low-cost online access to leading journals and books in the fields of health, agriculture, environment, applied sciences and law.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 10 – Reduced inequalities

The Pearson Affordable Learning Fund, launched July 2012, invests in companies that build solutions for affordable and high quality education services across Africa, Asia and Latin America. For instance, Pearson has made investments in some school groups that supply low cost schools for students in countries including Ghana, South Africa, Kenya and the Philippines. This will enable children to access education where it is not provided by local governments.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 1 – No povertyIPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality Education

AFCC is the leading festival in Asia focusing on children’s books and stories and young adult (YA) fiction. AFCC promotes the creation and appreciation of quality children’s literature and YA with a focus on Asian themes. Speakers at AFCC 2021 touched on diverse representation in books, translation, inclusivity and mental health for children.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality EducationIPA SDG – Goal No 5 – Gender Equality

‘Plastic Free: The Inspiring Story of a Global Environmental Movement and Why It Matters’ by Rebecca Prince-Ruiz and Joanna Atherfold-Finn is published by NewSouth in Australia. It is printed and packaged without using plastic. Dry trap varnish is used on the cover rather than plastic lamination. The reverse side of the board, effectively the rough, uncoated side, gives the cover added texture. Metal straps are used to secure the book boxes on pallets. All plastic shrink-wrapping is avoided.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 9 – Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureIPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and production

The Publishers Association (UK) has, in collaboration with the Department for International
Trade, launched The Literacy Project. In this targeted and concentrated initiative, the goal is to match the assets of the publishing industry (people, authors and books) with organisations and local initiatives, in a bid to drive up low levels of literacy and facilitate social mobilisation in the country’s poorest communities.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 1 – No poverty

Environment Guidelines for the whole book chain:
a. Design
b. Paper
c. Printing
d. Reprints
e. Storage
f. Transport
g. Marketing

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 12 – Responsible consumption and productionIPA SDG – Goal No 13 – Climate action

Since the beginning of the crisis and on several occasions, French scientific and higher education publishers made their e-books or their databases freely accessible online, in order to ensure teaching continuity.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 3 – Good Health and well-beingIPA SDG – Goal No 4 – Quality Education

Within the Paris region, transportation by night in order to save costs, increase the productivity and have a positive impact on the environment by the use of silent and environment friendly vehicles.

Relevant SDG’s

IPA SDG – Goal No 9 – Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureIPA SDG – Goal No 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities